Soon is your birthday annahita.last night i dreamed you and mom,how real that was today is23 januery, we where in kerman,i had forgotten once again a box of kandy,i never forget the day after several times back and fort beetween arizona and california in summer 2011 i brought for your mom flower and a box of candy and a kado,that was your order to me, i had come to take you that day from annaheim hills ,your tent maryam house, when i gave these to you to give to your mom you run back to the house like afelash to present it to your mom, i remember how you wished our reconcialation,i love you annahita and befor 12 fev, already i wish you healt, strenth, happiness and very good year, this is now 5 years we haven,t seen each other,i think about you every day. may be the time arise for our unification this year 2020 if not i contineue our pact ,to join each other when you grow up,i love you for ever,you are tmy motivation of life.