3 sep 2023 my lovely dauther soon 18

fev 2024 annahita will have  her 18 years old completed.my be a chance for me to hear about you after so long waiting.  Iprepared my self as much as i could for such a great day.I have imagined all kind of senarios when the bariers has moved and we can be together.hope and believe is what i feel.my lovely we will see each other in the end.this is the law of nature.

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Happy beart day to go to 18 years old

This is 23 February 2023 thersday night.I am righting for third time.each time i make a mistake that maks my text desapear.I come back from my tour of iran north khaled nabie.I almost finish my tour of whole country that i have started when you had 4 years old and you participated in some of my travels.Next year you become 18 and you may remember our promisse to find eachother in that time. 

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My daughter

Annahita inter 1 8This means time arrives to the point  that i have waited for it ,already 8 years.Time is  our bigest  problem to solve.Trap that i entered in it voluntery was my only move in 2011.This is throu that we have choices in the life but in front of many bad alternatives some times. Now i am 60 years old  and you my love 17 years but my prepration goes to it,s peak .l will meet you with few ass in my hand.I finished my research in geographic of Iran,also undrestanding many idea of all kinds to look at question of how  and why has been able to support life mankind until now.see you soon my love reason to stay alife.

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My daughter

Annahita inter 1 8This means time arrives to the point  that i have waited for it ,already 8 years.Time is  our bigest  problem to solve.Trap that i entered in it voluntery was my only move in 2011.This is throu that we have choices in the life but in front of many bad alternatives some times. Now i am 60 years old  and you my love 17 years but my prepration goes to it,s peak .l will meet you with few ass in my hand.I finished my research in geographic of Iran,also undrestanding many idea of all kinds to look at question of how  and why has been able to support life mankind until now.see you soon my love reason to stay alife.

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Today is 31 decembe2021.yesterday  was my  birth day 60 years old.How how could i support 7years without presence ofannahita?I even don,t know how is she changed now.What gives me strenth and certaintity is my understanding of life.In my reserches about aproximatly all philasofers and prophets I came out with my visionThis is what i got.I believe in the facts and life inside ,so mathematic won,t be able to solve the question of mater first exited and then inteligence. Or first a plan or think started to imagin mater and existance,but i foud a way to presude my crieuse brain finally at 60 years old.

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خاطرات agame

I WRITE THIS PAGE ONLY TO FINISH A STORY ,imentioned befor.I told the story of how god created man and the revolt of satan,so i told her that satan predicted man kind doesent diserve to be  who represent god on the earth But god defende his point of seeing the subject.so satan promise to make man  kins obey him instead of god.here annahita interapted me,she said:dady this is like a game.I asked why:she continued because god say if most of the people choose him he wins,and if they choose pat of satan ,then satan is the winner;.i stupified on the moment ,I had never looked this story in this angle.

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How a man know if he lieves on a right pat or  not?in my opinion beliefs are fondemental to determine our trajectoryof future.the  problem is to speak about absolut, god or end of lief  is over experience,so over understanding and logic can just help with out  any final nature.so belief is a choice beetween two possibility:to accept the probabity of existence of ideal or god or non acceptance .each choice end in different destiny.me i feel my soul,  my soul needs his origine and to be the alies of goodness and beauty.I am so a believer.

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