This is 2012.annahita has 6 years old .she went to school in arizona.every night i should tell her a story until she falls in sleep.one of this story was about creation of human .i told her the koran version.god deside to creat human so he blows from his spirite to dust..and man kind came to the world.he askes all angies to prostern to man kind but one refuses.satan.he said i have made from fire but man from the dus tso my kind is uper and i do not prostern to man. so god tell to iblis : you are damn.and satan say : i have my last wish so god telll hime what is that? iblis say i want to be free to desive man kind and show you his weekness. god accepted this request and said i belive in man kind.here annahita stoped me and said dady this is like a game.i astonished and i said to her: why is a game? she said me : because god say if the people come to me i win and if they choose you so you win!!!!